walking the walk
by ending the talk.
New Seed New Us.
Dairyland Seed has a rich history of unmatched customer service spanning more than 110 years. While they’re still deeply devoted to putting the customer first, they now also have their strongest seed lineup ever—with the performance, numbers and data to back it up.
So it was time to get a little more aggressive with their messaging. It was time to stop with all the flowery headlines and over-dramatic, sun-kissed field photography that saturates ag publications. It was time to let the seed performance speak for itself. It was time to shut up and yield.
Let’s Go, Boys.
When your company changes the way it talks, you need the support of the people who talk for your company. In the case of Dairyland Seed, that means getting the buy-in of their dedicated sales team. So we created a high-energy hype video and supporting materials for the annual sales meeting, and the buzz in the room was its own success story.
Practicing What We Preach.
Shut up and Yield. It’s not just headline—it’s an attitude. So we developed an integrated, multi-channel campaign that was short on words and big on performance data that speaks for itself. With the goal of getting farmers to visit the website to see the independent trial data on how Dairyland Seed products perform in their area, we led with the in-your-face stamp that disrupts the status quo and followed up with a teaser sampling of what farmers value most: proven yield performance.
Shut up and Yield. It’s not just headline—it’s an attitude. So we developed an integrated, multi-channel campaign that was short on words and big on performance data that speaks for itself. With the goal of getting farmers to visit the website to see the independent trial data on how Dairyland Seed products perform in their area, we led with the in-your-face stamp that disrupts the status quo and followed up with a teaser sampling of what farmers value most: proven yield performance.