C.O.nxt Case Study: Dairyland Seed

The Challenge:
Dairyland Seed has been around since 1907. As an established brand, they’re well-known in the industry and amongst farmers in their geography. The challenge is that they had become known for their unmatched service and support, but not necessarily for their seed performance. That all changed when they became part of Corteva and now had the products to compete and win with anybody. So we needed to shift perception in a big, bold way.
Our Approach:
By talking with farmers and studying competitors, we identified a golden opportunity. We found that most seed companies were communicating in an overly flowery way that (rightfully) exalts farmers for their hard work but doesn’t get down to the data. And through our discussions with farmers, we learned that, while they appreciate all that, their time is precious, and they just want to know that what they plant will pay off come harvest. So we developed an integrated, multi-channel campaign that cut through the nonsense and powerfully repositioned Dairyland Seed as a force to be reckoned with.
The Results:
The campaign ran successfully for three years, gaining steam the entire away. Aside from numerous accolades including multiple NAMA awards, the most recent metrics from August to October, 2023, alone tell an impressive story.
- 1,194,045 digital media impressions
- 2,783 digital media clicks
- 1,913 website tool conversions
- 126 QR code scans across all print media (Product Guide and four sets of print ad creative)
- 282,522 completed video views (:30-second video)
- 90.18% video completion rate (:30-second video)


In the world of ag radio, there’s a lot of deep-voiced Sam Elliott types romanticizing about farming. In keeping with the concept, we sought to leap out of the sea of sameness with disruptive sound effects and unapologetic confidence in our seed performance.