The art and craft of launching a new brand in any environment.

“Seriously, is this any time to even be thinking about launching a brand?”

We’ll answer that legitimate question with one of our own: What better way to show hope and optimism in uncertain times than by introducing a new food or beverage brand (or a cool, new ag or ag tech brand, for that matter)?

Launching that new brand—regardless of external circumstances—is ultimately a promise to deliver on everything your organization stands for. In other words, doing it right will be a challenge any time—a challenge we’re up to and want you to be, too.

But Seriously, Is Now the Right Time?

That’s a definite maybe. Interacting with a brand is always a deeply emotional experience. Which means it’s ultimately about how that brand makes intended audiences feel.

In an early April study of 1,000 consumers, Qualtrics explored factors impacting brand trust during the pandemic. Among respondents, 65 percent said a brand’s actions during crises had a significant or major impact on its trustworthiness. Surprisingly, respondents found messages less meaningful if they tried too hard to talk about hope, optimism, nostalgia or strong moral principles. Instead, they tended to trust brands that showed empathy for consumer and employee well-being—and didn’t seem to be taking advantage of the pandemic to maximize profits.

Keeping that research in mind can help you decide if the time is indeed right. Does your brand offer solutions to real, timely challenges? Will its backstory show appropriate empathy given the current economic and social environment?

If the answer is yes, it’s time to answer another round of questions that can make the difference between a launch that’s meh and one that’s marvelous.

Asked and (Thoughtfully, Passionately, Constructively) Answered.

Excitement. Adrenaline. Anxiety. Fear. Uncertainty. Optimism. Hope. Launching a brand will always be hard work and include all the above, but we’ve developed a brand workshop process to make it a lot less burdensome—and much more engaging.

We call it Brand Camp (catchy, right?). At its most basic, Brand Camp is a scalable, customizable way to align key players—virtually or otherwise—well before a brand’s launch to overcome fears of brand unknowns and explore answers to key questions. Ultimately, it’s about forging new paths for your brand’s story as a unified team.

Go to Brand Camp and your team will walk away knowing—really knowing—your brand’s “why,” that essential framework everyone will need if they’re going to live it every day.

If interested in going to Brand Camp (virtually), we’d love to host you. Contact us today or email Marcy Tessmann at


Major launch? Modest initiative? Each of these Brand Camp brand exercises is scalable, customizable and ready when the moment is right.

Earn your creativity badge by exploring brand personality, essence and tone.

Shape each audience’s path forward by uncovering the special somethings that make your brand stand out.

Build a guide to greatness while you and your team traverse what your brand is and is not.

Gut-check equity by diving deeper into product truths, category disruption, cultural context and human truths.

We understand the emotional roller coaster of finally introducing your brand to the world. Remember to breathe and consider putting your precious brand in the hands of a great team that knows how to get it on the best possible track. It’s go-time.

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